Stress-Free Strategies for Eating Out

Here are three stress-free strategies to try that can help you stay on the right track while enjoying time out with family & friends.

Strategy A:

Choose a healthier food item when eating out. Here are just some ideas...

Instead of —-> TRY

French fries —-> baked potato

White roll/bread —-> wheat roll/bread

Fried chicken —-> baked or grilled

Cream-based soup —-> broth-based

Sautéd veggies —-> steamed

Fried appetizers —-> salad or a baked option

Full-fat dressings —-> low-fat

If none of these are right for you, don’t stress, I have two more options!

Strategy B:

TRY planning ahead - if you know you want to enjoy a calorically dense meal...

Plan ahead to consume that delicious meal and make healthier choices for the rest of your day!

Ex. Breakfast - a fruit of choice with oatmeal

AM snack - low-fat yogurt & fruit

Lunch - whole grain sandwich with veggies

PM snack - if you need one, crackers & a cheese stick

Dinner - enjoying a meal at your favorite place to eat!

Well, you may ask yourself, what if I didn’t plan for any of the above? What am I supposed to do? Again, I’m here for you and I have you covered!

Strategy C:

If an unexpected meal outing wasn’t in your plans and you want to just enjoy the meal, here is another plan. Enjoy the meal! TRY, picking up the next day with your healthy eating habits. There is no point in stressing over the day where you couldn’t plan but wanted to allow yourself to enjoy your time with family or friends!

Photo credit: Media from Unsplash/Ali Inay


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